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The best supplement for you will depend on factors such as your gender, age, medical history, genetics, level of physical activity and diet. For example, adult men and women can benefit from taking different dietary supplements, vegetarians / vegetarians can use more nutrients such as Vitamin B12 and people living in cooler climates need more vitamin D Might be possible.


Supplements for Health 

1-Vitamins for Energy and Help Handling Stress

B vitamins, including vitamin B12 and folate, are important for your metabolism, supporting cellular processes, growth and energy expenditure, preventing fatigue, and boosting cognitive functions

2-Vitamin D and Calcium for Bone Health and More

It remains a controversial whether two of the best supplements for keeping bones strong and reducing your risk for bone loss and fractures are calcium and vitamin D.  Calcium, when consumed when other key nutrients like vitamin D and magnesium, has been shown to offer protection against some of the biggest threats to adult men and women: heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes and cancer

3-Vitamins C, E and A for Skin Health

As we get older, our skin becomes more susceptible to damage caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, too much sun exposure, a poor diet, overactive immune system and other factors. Which vitamins really work when it comes to improving skin health? Obtaining plenty vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin 

4-Omega-3 Fatty Acids

5-Antioxidants for Eye Health